BUS systems – Interoperable system integration
Intelligent building technology requires a seamless communication between all components. When developing new solutions we take care, that our products are compatible with all common BUS systems to enable an easy interoperable system integration.

RS485 Modbus
Since its development in 1979 the Modbus protocol has become a standard in the industrial communication and plays an important role as an application pro-tocol for data transmission. As the Modbus TCP type, it had significantly advanced the Ethernet communication in the automation. The combination of manufacturer independent data visualization via Modbus and the universal network standard TCP/IP as well as Ethernet enable the open exchange of process data.

RS485 BACnet
The communication protocol BACnet, which is independent of manufacturers, is especially designed for applications in the building automation. The objective of BACnet is the allocation of uniform, non-committed standards for data communication. In Europe BACnet is represented by the BACnet Interest Group Europe BIGEU), the industrial association for the use of global BACnet standards according to ISO 16484-5. BACnet distinguishes itself by high transfer rates.

The idea of LON technology (Local Operating Network), a worldwide standardized communication and automation protocol, is the interoperability, a high application width and a comprehensive possibility of field applications enabling the realization of global building automation solutions. Data transmission is made directly from device to device. A central control system is not needed.

The KNX technology has established itself as a worldwide standard for all applications in the field of home and building system technology – from energy management, HVAC applications or security systems via lighting and shutter control up to the operation of household appliances and audio/video solutions. KNX is based on the installation tool ETS which is independent of manufacturers and products. ETS is equipped with a full set of transmission media as well as a configuration mode enabling an overall use.

EasySens® (EnOcean)
The use of innovative technology makes it possible: The wireless EnOcean based system EasySens® enables a networked building automation – self-powered, intelligent and maintenance-free. Thus, EasySens® offers best possible flexibility for realizing individual requirements in new buildings and refurbishments.