Appealing design, intuitive operation and flexible enough to adapt to most diverse requirements: The…
Now available: Plug-ins for the integration of our NOVOS 7, NOVOS Touch and thanos EVO room…
The licensing process of our field-strength measuring tool "airScan" with the EnOcean USB stick has…
Building Information Modelling (BIM) is becoming the digital standard in the construction industry.…
The NOVOS 3 INC offers functionality, which has previously only been reserved for high-end devices…
Data centers are a sensitive facility with regards to global digital communication and data storage.…
High-performance sensor technology is a key requirement for the energy-efficient climate control of…
"Aerosols are a possible transmission path of the novel coronavirus. Aerosols spread quickly…
Preserving precious pieces of art and creating a pleasant indoor climate for visitors: Room climate…
In June, the re-certification according to the new DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 was carried out…
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